Broceliande 2024

Beltane 2024 retreat for OBODies

in Broceliande (Brittany, France)


Broceliande, the magical forest of Celtic legends, wizards, fairies and druids in the heart of Brittany is a place with a very special energy that invites us to dive deep into the ancient stories and their meaning for us.

Unfortunately this retreat is already in the past. And we did have a great retreat in Broceliande. We (and the participants) liked it so much that we are thinking of organizing a new retreat to Broceliande in 2026. If you are interested, write us an e-mail. Below you can read the introduction text to the retreat we had in 2024.

The retreat will take you on a special journey for body and soul. A journey to 4 Celtic archetypes, anchored in the legends of Broceliande, who can give us wise advice and insights about ourselves. We will meet them each in an intensive way in half-day workshops and half-day hikes (2-4 hours) to the magical places of Broceliande. The workshops and hikes will be led by Egbert and Bettina, who have many years of experience working with groups and Celtic nature spirituality as OBOD druids, coaches and environmental educators. Languages spoken during the retreat are English, German and Dutch. An international group of OBODies from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium did register. And of course we will meet our French Obod friends in Broceliande.

During the retreat we will make two excursions: one to the fantastic megaliths of Monteneuf, only 20 minutes away (by car), and as a highlight a day-trip to the south coast of Brittany (1 hour drive and a 15 minute boat trip) where we will experience the ancient mysteries of the Ile de Gavrinis with its mystical megalithic site, and we will visit the menhirs and tumuli of Locmariaquer.

Accommodation will be in an ‘auberge’. Bed rooms are with three beds. So you’ll have to share a room. In the 'auberge' we will also have our meals. For a photo impression of the venue, click here. The retreat will take place from Sunday the 28th of April 2024 to Sunday the 5th of May 2024 - and of course we will celebrate a Beltane ritual in the forest of Broceliande and maybe one with the local French OBODies.

Depending on the number of participants, the whole retreat including accommodation in a three-bed room, breakfast, lunch and dinner in the ‘auberge’, the program and the excursions will cost 690 Euros for 7 days (a restaurant visit on the excursion day and drinks would have to be paid by oneself). The journey would be individual (maybe one or the other would like to combine the retreat with a vacation in Brittany). We will of course help with carpooling.

Bright blessings,

Bettina & Egbert